The next eight lessons of Essentials, for those continuing from Lessons 1-7!
Spelling, Reading, Grammar, and Vocabulary
Learn Alongside Your Students
Fully scripted lessons and a wealth of teacher resources guide you through every step of teaching the first seven lessons of Essentials! Equip your students for success in reading and spelling as you discover the Logic of English together.
Essentials 8-15 Teacher’s Guide:
Essentials Teacher’s Guides, the heart of the Essentials curriculum, contain a wealth of tips and resources to equip both veteran and novice teachers to teach Essentials effectively.
This Teacher's Guide:
includes 8 clear, scripted lessons, each divided into 5 sections
introduces 12 new spelling rules
teaches 17 new multi-letter phonograms
introduces grammar concepts including verbs, possessive noun adjectives, subject and predicate, comma and capitalization rules, and more
teaches dozens of new prefixes, suffixes, and r
oots used in words in the Lesson 8-15 spelling lists
Each Essentials Teacher's Guide features:
Three levels of instruction in every lesson, making it easy to differentiate and teach students at multiple levels simultaneously
Extensive helps and teacher tips
Full-color layout
Comprehensive index
Phonemic awareness
Spelling analysis - detailed charts!
Grammar instruction and practice
Phonogram and spelling games, instructions included
Vocabulary instruction with Latin and Greek roots
Hundreds of engaging activities, extensive reviews, challenge ideas
Review and assessments in every lesson